Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

The One and Only- (♫Ta- ♪Da)

2103 Version- only a couple days late. Next year’s version awaiting midterm vote.
Continually tacky to the point of being almost tastelessly politically incorrect.
This year with fewer pages than the ACA- and read by more people.

The 2012 letter review:
In 2011, Liam and Jessica got married, Moira was hooded, Mexico attempted to sell luxury vacation packages, and 2 new kittens arrived.
You learned how to make “Feed Me Seymour” sourdough bread, and the garden continued to grow.

They’re having a baby, despite protests from James and Catherine who are too young, vigorous, and wise to become grandparents. Liam, Jessica, and Catherine visited the Ashland Shakespeare festival and watched A Mid-Summer Nights Dream  (or is it A Midnight Summer’s Dream, or Nightmare on Summer Dream Street?) It rained, which may or may not have influenced the pregnancy. 

  James stayed home and debated using the chainsaw to repair the chimney on their rental house.     

Catherine’s Corner:
After careful review of the calendar to find clever things to write about, she found that most dates were filled with garden commitments. This year, she finishes a spectacular term on the Extension Service Executive Board of Lane County; a year marked with a singular lack of political intrigue, bad behavior, or arrests. A better record than Congress, the Duck Football Team, and the Eugene City Counsel. More people know how to turn garbage into compost gold and be sustainable than ever before thanks to her efforts. In her spare time she convinced James to buy a chain saw and help with garden clean up. We’re sad to report that the limb re-attachment surgery failed; the laurel tree was sent to the great compost pit in the sky.
It looks like most of Catherine’s 8th grade class will get together this summer for their class reunion. There are rumors that Sister Mary Teachem Goode will be exhumed for the event.
The No-Name Book Club of Cottage Grove celebrates their 19th year together: Coloring books to comics to picture books to breakthrough American Novels in large print. Time to negotiate a group deal on Kindles.
And Speaking of Books:
It’s finally available (dramatic musical fanfare please). Kelly’s Reef, that long awaited and much promised first novel, is published and on in both print and a Kindle version. The kick-off book signing occurred Black Friday at the local BookMine book store. It was massively attended by those seeking shelter from the weather and in search of cookies and punch. The sequel is in production and promises to take the characters to new heights and adventures in Cabbage Hollow. 
James’ Thing:
“Would those who would entertain a third term as being president of the Cottage Grove Habitat for Humanity, please take one step forward.” James turned and found the rest of the Board had retreated. Cleverly claiming credit for all the hard work of the volunteers, James has managed the building project for the 12th house in CG, while relocating to a new warehouse/ office, encouraging a ReStore and supporting the new Brush with Kindness Initiative. Amazing what can be done with a new chainsaw.
Chain-sawed Crab and all the fixings are available at the 4th annual Habitat Crab Feed, Jan. 25th. Tickets available, but hurry- last year the second seating came up short when several of the crabs climbed out of the pot and escaped.
Pictures at: Habitat Photo Page

Deaf Sushi Whale Watching in the Castro District on St. Paddy’s Day: A summary of family travel 2013. 

Whale watching in the San Juan Islands followed a trip to SFO to visit Moira and Andy. St. Paddy’s dinner occurred in a very noisy sushi bar in the Castro. We understand whale blubber is good in sushi rolls, and used for other purposes in the Castro. ‘Nuff said.
And in other family news:
Facebook and Twitter both went public. Moira and Andy became employee stock-holders. Yipee! The prospect of their choice of nursing homes is looking less bleak.

 The cats (no longer kittens) have learned to talk to the birds in the feeders.
Moira and Andy’s cat is just cute.
Watch YouTube for developments and viral cat videos. 

The Xmas Recipe
SlamBama Cakes with Gridlock Grits
                             ‘Affordable’, mandatory fixings- available at
                             Five options available: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and dirt.
                             Pour into a pot.
                             Stir in Mea Culpa with a pointed, red nailed, finger.
                             Wait a year for something to brew.
                             Top with apathy sauce and throw out, keep, freeze, or
                             Regurgitate in November, 2014

Has Your Credit Card Been Hijacked?
Credit Security Check compliments of the Bank of Nigeria. Just send your credit card number, expiration date, billing address, and code. They’ll notify you when they compromise it.

A Nod to the Economy
Help Wanted
Sign language interpreter wanted for temporary work with the NRA. Apply now at Fox News.

And as always, we wish the very best to you and your family for 2014.
The sponsors dis-avow all knowledge of this letter.

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